
Monday, January 7, 2013

Thank you, Jammers!

Ello everyone, been a while, eh? Yes, I know, I know, you never post anymore, blah, blah, blah. Well, I am amazed that I have so many viewers and I thank you for visiting this blog. I want to ask YOU guys if I should quit or not. Should I get new features to the blog? You decide. You're the one who is coming here to read my blog. Anywho, while I was gone I got a thousand views, crazy eh? I'm not sure if I shall have a viewers party, I'd be glad to but I need make sure some people do come or I'll end up in my den dancing and singing songs for no reason. Man, make sure that never happens! :)  I hope you all had a good new years, enjoy the rest of your day!


  1. Hi BellaPink! I think you should stay, all you need to do is advertise a bit. I have started fresh with my blog. Anyways, one thing I have done with mine, I did not say when I post, because you never really know when you will post.
    Hope to see you on AJ soon!
    Bye Mldriver

    1. Thank you, Mldriver. If you want me to stay, then I'd love to. But I'm not thinking of daily posting, though. More like, things that go on Aj that seem intresting.Maybe I'll think of some things, too! I'll see you soon.
